Sunday, May 27, 2007

A new spot!

I'm moving here now and hope that all my blog friends can find me :)

It's Sunday and as many of you know I absolutely love Sunday when I'm off! It's a free and fabulous meal at Granny's house! Yummmmmm!

We have a new addition to our home, well two actually! The first that we got came on Friday night, a beautiful little black kitten that we were so happy to get and then we got him home, ugh. He is the most skittish thing I've seen. I can't even get pictures of him which is so sad to me! He hides all day, today his spot of choice is under the couch and he will stay there until bed time. He's not eating (unless he's doing it at night) is probably using the bathroom under there for all I know, gonna have to pull it out tomorrow to see and when you try to get anywhere near him he hisses and spits at you. It's just sad. We decided to go out and get another kitten Saturday in hopes of that one bringing him out and then we would have two great kitties! Well he hisses at her too, ROFL! She's the polar opposite, she's a lap cat, she's always in my bed keeping me awake and loves to be loved. She's very photogenic too I might add, check her out:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

That's her making herself at home in my bed. Isn't she cute? And she is just so loveable! I'm hoping the other little baby comes around soon or we'll have to either make him an outdoor kitty or find him a new home. I can't have my house turned into a litter box :( I gave Jacob the chance to name them. He's named the little boy cat Freudo (like the guy on Lord of the Rings) and we still don't have a name for our girl, he's left that up to me. I'll come up with something I'm sure.


There are some new blog challenges over at The Digi Shoppe for you all to check out. There's a journaling prompt everyday and today is no different. Today we are asked to talk about our favorite vacation spots so I'm going to do just that :) As a kid, I could have answered this so quickly, my favorite spot was my grandparents house in TN on their farm. I just thought that was the coolest place on Earth. I loved taking naps on PawPaw's bus with him and I loved going fishing on the river with him too. My grandmother always took me with her to take care of the animals and I loved that part of my stays there, she always deemed one of those babies as mine!

As an adult, I think the one place that I most desire to go back to would be Ohio. We went there when Jacob was just a baby and we travelled over a good portion of the state visiting various zoos and aquariums and hitting some other hot spots on the way. It was a wonderful place and we stayed in an old historical town that was just fabulous, the architecture there was just amazing. We've talked many times about returning and touring some more areas but just haven't made it yet. Hopefully we will soon!!


Well that's enough said for now, I'll try to alert all my old blog friends that I've had to move here! Hope you all have a fabulous week!


Deb said...

Cute kitten! Sure hope your other kitten settles down and comes out to play soon!

Stacy said...

Such a sweet kitty! I hope the other one comes around and decides to be social! lol Nice new blog btw Andrea!!!

Melanie said...

I have you changed now, girl! Thanks for letting me know! :) The new kitten is TOO cute! Can't wait to see more pics!

Azrood said...

Congrats on the new blog and the new additions! What a sweet little kitty! Hopefully the little guy will come around given some time.

biancka said...

That is one cute kitty !! I hope you can make photos of your other new addition soon too. I just love kitties :)